Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Ocarina of time Characters = Real Estate Characters. PART I

My gamer posts seem to be the best thing since chopped liver so introducing Part I of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time comparisons to my encounters of people in Real Estate.

Feel free to enjoy the joys of my not wasted childhood incorporated with my real estate career. :) <3


They asked for your help; Now you have to defeat 10 mini bosses and 11 bosses to get peace in the world.

Can be difficult to please.
Must defeat multiple obstacles to get what they want.
Puts fate in your hands.
Wishes to make smart choices.
Asks for protection.
Once "saved", sends you off to doing what you were originally doing before all the requests.
Gives clues on various temples to visit


A Chosen Hero.
Works mornings, afternoons, and evenings.
Makes use of many weapons to defeat any obstacle.
Bearer of the Courage portion of the Triforce.
Talks to everyone around.
Runs around town depending on task.
Visits many temples.
Unlocks doors.
Able to complete multiple tasks in one day.
Does not have a salary.
When times get rough will look anywhere for rupees.


The Guardian 

Helps to escape the stickiest of situations
Looks out for the overall best interest of who they're protecting.
Educates on how to keep away from harm.


Although the Happy Mask Salesman is nowhere to be found during the adult portion of the game, he is seen celebrating at Lon Lon Ranch during the credits. 

Works 9-5.
Asks client for numerous items.
Gets angry at client if they have no money in the account.
Seen celebrating at end.
Can be annoying.


Link only has to deal with twice unless unable to follow instructions.
Blocks anything else from passing until conditions are met.
Will make sure those conditions are met the second time around.


Asks you to listen.
Offers advice.
Wishes to be helpful.
Can be seen throughout your entire career.
If unable to help, will let you know who to ask.
Can be annoying.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How do you know if you should join a team?

Should I join a team or not? To fly solo, or to not fly solo?
That is Le' Question. (pitiful intent of sounding french) 

As someone who has been solo, and now on a team; I will give cut the hit and get straight to the point on the five questions I asked myself before joining a team. 

Top 5 Questions to ask before you join a team:

Why am I joining a team?
What can I bring to you on this table?
Am I going to live up to expectations?
Am I willing to learn? 
Do I have a system?

Question #1: Why am I joining a team?

I run into a lot of people who think that just because you are on a team, you get all these leads and are therefore going to make it so big in this business. You can sometimes smell the desperation off of people just waiting for someone to throw them any kind of referral. Listen, I can certainly appreciate the thrive to succeed but you CANNOT get in that stance where you look desperate. This is a 90 day process, and my friends I know it's not easy going three months without a paycheck but you need to plant the crops before you can harvest them. You joining a team just because you don't want to put in those 90 days is not a service to anyone including yourself. 

Question #2: What can I put on the table for you?

Let me guess, you are motivated, and driven. Standard response lovebugs. You may be motivated and driven, are potentially 11,000 of the other Real Estate Agents here in Nevada. So why should this team make you a part of them? What sets you apart from the other 11,000 Agents? What fruits are you putting on the table that benefit EVERYONE (not just yourself) . This isn't one sided and you need to put yourself on the other side of the glass. If you were hiring someone to be a part of your team, would you hire yourself? This is when you defer back to Question number one, the true intention of what you are looking to accomplish by joining a team. 

Question #3: Am I going to live up to expectations?

Being on a team requires personal accountability to the expectations you were provided from day #1. Are you going to live up to what you promised you were capable of doing since day #1? This can be anything and nothing at the same time. On a team you might have a schedule, and you might be required to do things (like work Saturdays) that you weren't doing before. Maybe if you're an e-mail kind of person you might be required to actually call people. Chances are, you are going to be asked to do certain things that you aren't doing now, so can you handle doing what you said you would? 

See how these three questions intertwine? Am I going to live up to the expectations you told me you had since day one  because of what I offered to put on the table for you which is why I wanted to join your team in the first place.

Follow me? Ok on to Question #4.

Question #4: Am I willing to learn and take advice? 

Do you have a know it all personality? Well cut the shit because you do not know it all.  Whether you're a new agent or an old one, you are now going to walk into someone who might do things similar to you but not EVERYTHING.  Your team leader has got your back, so while you might have freedom to do whatever you want however you want, the moment something is brought to your attention it could be because

1. There is an easier way
2. You're potentially doing something that can cause liability.  

You have to be willing to learn because things change everyday. Remember that there is a reason someone is asking you to do it a different way and if you're going to take it personal when it's not, then you need to chikiticheck yoself. 

Question #5: Do I have a system? 

Listen, you do not want to go into a team without your own system because if you make the mistake of joining a team and realizing it wasn't a right fit, you're in "what do I do now" mode.  Have the basics for a system down.  As new agents, we enter this world of Real Estate with no direction, and thousands of ways and opinions on how to do business. There are no "standard" ways to do transactions, write counter offers or an addendum. Literally thousands of creative ways for listing presentations, buyer packages, meetings, and even thousands of scripts. You can generate business from so many different strategies it's ridiculous. People will want you on their team, if you produce. So figure out how to produce for yourself first and then take into account if you want to be a part of something bigger than just you. 

Hope this helps.

<3 Real Estate Gamer. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

How dressing for success can not be a giant pain in the ass.

In my field, there is a certain stereotype that we Realtors need to look very corporate, clean cut, and presentable. This stereotype is also true for office personal, any front desk experience, and anything administrative. As a professional "board folder" for about 6 months of my entire life, I can tell you it was required for me to dress appropriately at high end designer stores to maintain a certain image. If you're a person who wears jeans,tank top, and flip flops daily, this can be quite the change.

Example A:  Me in 2009.

This is a great option if you want to be comfortable. This is how I used to dress and do my make up. You best believe this was very comfortable when I was gaming. However, a little iffy to wear to a job interview. Maybe not the best choice.

So I'm about to give you a little insight on how to dress for success while still staying comfortable. While some instances apply to women, this also applies to men.

How Dressing For Success Can Not be a Giant Pain In The Ass: 

1. Stay on a budget: I can appreciate how some people will think that looking all sorts of clean cut means you need to clean out your bank account but that's not necessarily true. In fact, I am the type of person that will never spend $100.00 on jeans. I also won't spend more than $50.00 on a purse/bag. You might want to go ahead and check out stores like Ross, T.J. Maxx (which was my first employer by the way) and Marshall's. If you're not into stores like that. Check out Forever 21 and (one of my favorites) H&M. They have great prices on all sorts of items. There is nothing sexier than staying on a budget.

P.S. You can get really nice dress shoes at Ross and Marshalls. They don't have to be name brand (just saying)

2. Don't try to wear things that will make you walk funny: This applies to women mostly. If you have never worn dresses in your life, you don't have to. I went to a private school and I think I wore a skirt a total of 3 times throughout my whole four years of high school. Ladies If you're used to jeans you DO NOT want to make a sudden change to a skirt.. Buy yourself some dress pants, and if you're going to still wear jeans. Try wearing inch tall comfortable heels, or just buy some cute flats. If you're going to go with pencil skirts, wear flats if you're not up to the heels. If you're uncomfortable the world will know. Look at some magazines for ideas to accessorize with your jeans.

3. Use neutral colors: Colors like, Black, White, Beige, Navy, Gray will almost never look terrible when combined the right way. These colors give out a presence of formality when done the right way. Guys, if you're wearing dark jeans, wear a navy blue sweater with black dress shoes. Women, if you're wearing a pencil skirt then stick to neutrals.  You won't have to worry if something is a little too much if you're just subtle about it.

4. Keep it basic: You do not need to wear a tie, or a dress. Even long sleeves with a pair of jeans and some dressy shoes will look clean cut ( I would recommend neutrals)

Also ladies, keep it basic in the face. No need to wear buckets and buckets of make up. See my picture up there? Not that friendly really.

5. Carry flip-flops or comfortable shoes in your car at all times:  
Put on the snazzy shoes when you need to and when you don't switch to your comfortable shoes. It's just practicable. I wear suits in the office with flip flops until my client comes in for a reason; I walk a lot around the office picking up copies of papers, and asking people how their day was, so as i'm running around, this can make me feetsies hurt which causes me to not smile at the end of the day. Also, I don't want to walk funny when i'm trying to keep my balance. Hey, i'm new to heels so cut me break.

6. Smile: Chances are when you dress snazzy, you feel snazzy so the best type of accessory you can have is the smile in your face. When you dress the part, and you feel the part, you are the part. You don't need to convince the world that you're an entrepreneurial master; they already know.  All you really need to do is remember to exploit your dazzling personality for a killer combination of snazzy and have the confidence to realize that you look damn sexy when you clean up. The world turns around when you walk in the room so don't forget to smile.

<3 Real Estate gamer.

Oh and if you're wondering what I look like when I clean up and go to the office:

It's like a whole different person. *sniffle* *sniffle*

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How my Real Estate Career is like a videogame.

Little insight on who I am. My name is Natalie Medina. I am a 23 (going on 24) year old and am proud to say that this is my first year in Real Estate. Writing this gives me a little bit of anxiety because as a young professional, I am terrified about being more viewed as "young" rather than "professional." It also doesn't help that I've had a stronger ( and longer) relationship with my video game consoles rather than any relationship with any employer in my entire life. "What did you do before you got into Real Estate? " I imagine me folding clothes at a retail shop and coming home playing hours and hours of video games. "Customer Service" is the answer I normally say.

In fact, my standard response when people ask how long I have been doing this is, "long enough" or "feels like years." The insecurity eats me alive thinking that my clients wouldn't want to work with me if they knew that I was not only new to the "real world" but also new to Real Estate.

However, today I have to be brave and embrace my age because as someone who has never even held a part time job for over 3 months, I have officially been in this business as a full time Realtor for a little over 7 months now.Those who know me in my apast can see that I have become a totally different human being, while still having similar interests.  I create relationships with my clients where we become friends, so the continuing question of "What made you get into Real Estate?" is one that almost always is asked by everyone I meet and know.

So what made me, Natalie, get into Real Estate?
"It's fun."
"How so?"
"Because my Real Estate career is like a videogame."

How I assimilate Real Estate to a video game:

1. Just like spending time in front of a TV focused on completing any level on any video game,  I have spent long hours glued to the computer screen trying to figure out the multiple listing service (MLS), get faster writing offers, trying to master the art of negotiation, creating templates, and losing sleep over not knowing how to figure something out. As a Realtor, you consistently try and achieve more in less time. Working smarter is the key. So figuring out how to get to the end result effectively is something that when we figure out, we celebrate. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOW I KNOW HOW TO DO THIS."

2. Time blocking your activities. Games like GTA or Skyrim where you have endless tasks and hours and hours of gameplay, you tend to balance when you do Free-play and when you do Missions. Two completely types of play but still none the less requires concentration and in the end, if you're not having fun with it, then it's probably not the game for you. Same thing with real estate. This career is fun. You just need to find structure. You need to always think of your future first and your present later. How are you supposed to generate business if you're just thinking of the problems of today only? Once you stick to a schedule, you can do absolutely anything. You just need to remember balancing the missions and the running people over and you've got yourself a legit day. ;)

3. Like in W.O.W. All you have is Quests to get done at first (P.V.E before P.V.P): That stands for Player Vs. Enviornment and Player VS. Player for all you newbs out there.  Basically, Lead Generation.

In World of Warcraft, all you do at Level 1 are quests. How do you get them? You talk to people. You talk to all these people and get quests like "Kill all the spiders" The more people you talk to , the more quests you get. The more quests you get, the better the quests get, and then you get Level 80 (or whatever it is now) and then PVP. Same thing with Lead Generation, the more people you talk to, the more people begin to know you're in real estate, the more referrals you get, the more appointments in office, the more homes you sell, the more money you have.

4 Games like Legend of Zelda; No boss is beaten the same. No transaction is the same either. When you finally figure out how to solve one problem, that's wonderful, NOW HERE'S ANOTHER ONE. A wise friend in the business once told me, "Your average smooth transaction has an average of 47 problems." You become a master problem solver in this business, but once you've got the hang of one problem. You find yourself running into another "MAJOR" problem. That's when you out of desperation, read the walk through book-let on how to win this level. (AKA You call your broker)

5. Just like when you were younger and you played games like Resident Evil or Silent Hill, remember how every zombie that popped up scared you? Or how you would walk into a door and a giant snake would just SURPRISE! and you screamed and paused because you weren't expecting it? That's everyday for us (specifically on our first transaction ever). Every. Problem. Is. Scary. You are consistently having a panic attack about every single little thing. KITEC plumbing? *SCREAMS?* Buyer wants to walk away the day of recording *PANIC AND SCREAM* Seller isn't responding and your buyer won't stop yelling at you? *PANIC AND SCREAM* Someone said hello to you in the kitchen? *PANIC AND SCREAM*  Ok, not quite like that, but it is scary if it's new. When you've played the game long enough then you just get used to it and while things may surprise you, you kind of get used to things popping up at you and end up solving it as soon as possible.

6. It is all rewarding. You win. You get to the end. You beat the level. You recorded. You handed a first time home buyer their keys. You changed their lives, and by that, got to experience and feel something you never knew you could do. That moment when you see your clients create memories with their families, in a home, you once saw so empty, become so full of life, is why you play the game of real estate my friends.

P.S. If you know anyone looking to buy, sell, or invest. ....

Just kidding.

<3 Natalie.