Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How do you know if you should join a team?

Should I join a team or not? To fly solo, or to not fly solo?
That is Le' Question. (pitiful intent of sounding french) 

As someone who has been solo, and now on a team; I will give cut the hit and get straight to the point on the five questions I asked myself before joining a team. 

Top 5 Questions to ask before you join a team:

Why am I joining a team?
What can I bring to you on this table?
Am I going to live up to expectations?
Am I willing to learn? 
Do I have a system?

Question #1: Why am I joining a team?

I run into a lot of people who think that just because you are on a team, you get all these leads and are therefore going to make it so big in this business. You can sometimes smell the desperation off of people just waiting for someone to throw them any kind of referral. Listen, I can certainly appreciate the thrive to succeed but you CANNOT get in that stance where you look desperate. This is a 90 day process, and my friends I know it's not easy going three months without a paycheck but you need to plant the crops before you can harvest them. You joining a team just because you don't want to put in those 90 days is not a service to anyone including yourself. 

Question #2: What can I put on the table for you?

Let me guess, you are motivated, and driven. Standard response lovebugs. You may be motivated and driven, are potentially 11,000 of the other Real Estate Agents here in Nevada. So why should this team make you a part of them? What sets you apart from the other 11,000 Agents? What fruits are you putting on the table that benefit EVERYONE (not just yourself) . This isn't one sided and you need to put yourself on the other side of the glass. If you were hiring someone to be a part of your team, would you hire yourself? This is when you defer back to Question number one, the true intention of what you are looking to accomplish by joining a team. 

Question #3: Am I going to live up to expectations?

Being on a team requires personal accountability to the expectations you were provided from day #1. Are you going to live up to what you promised you were capable of doing since day #1? This can be anything and nothing at the same time. On a team you might have a schedule, and you might be required to do things (like work Saturdays) that you weren't doing before. Maybe if you're an e-mail kind of person you might be required to actually call people. Chances are, you are going to be asked to do certain things that you aren't doing now, so can you handle doing what you said you would? 

See how these three questions intertwine? Am I going to live up to the expectations you told me you had since day one  because of what I offered to put on the table for you which is why I wanted to join your team in the first place.

Follow me? Ok on to Question #4.

Question #4: Am I willing to learn and take advice? 

Do you have a know it all personality? Well cut the shit because you do not know it all.  Whether you're a new agent or an old one, you are now going to walk into someone who might do things similar to you but not EVERYTHING.  Your team leader has got your back, so while you might have freedom to do whatever you want however you want, the moment something is brought to your attention it could be because

1. There is an easier way
2. You're potentially doing something that can cause liability.  

You have to be willing to learn because things change everyday. Remember that there is a reason someone is asking you to do it a different way and if you're going to take it personal when it's not, then you need to chikiticheck yoself. 

Question #5: Do I have a system? 

Listen, you do not want to go into a team without your own system because if you make the mistake of joining a team and realizing it wasn't a right fit, you're in "what do I do now" mode.  Have the basics for a system down.  As new agents, we enter this world of Real Estate with no direction, and thousands of ways and opinions on how to do business. There are no "standard" ways to do transactions, write counter offers or an addendum. Literally thousands of creative ways for listing presentations, buyer packages, meetings, and even thousands of scripts. You can generate business from so many different strategies it's ridiculous. People will want you on their team, if you produce. So figure out how to produce for yourself first and then take into account if you want to be a part of something bigger than just you. 

Hope this helps.

<3 Real Estate Gamer. 

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